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Tabla /Music - Tabla is the only instrument in the world which is used in all forms of music. In J.K. School every child has to learn it. Many of our children have appeared for the tabla examinations conducted by Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya and passed with good grades. Every year students are appearing for tabla & music exams and gave come out in flying colours. 

Swimming is introduced this academic  year in our school curriculum - Swimming is one of the most

popular sports.  As well as being fun, swimming is a great way to keep fit, stay healthy. Swimming is a

healthy activity that you can continue for a lifetime. It is a low-impact activity that has many physical

and mental health benefits. Swimming is a great workout because you need to move your whole body

against the resistance of the water.
Swimming is a good all-round activity because it keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs tones muscles and builds strength. Provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles are used during swimming.

Splash Pool is the activity for Nursery & LKG children where children enjoy playing in water. 

​​Karate - ​Karate keeps one's body & mind, strong and healthy. Karate is compulsory for std I - IV.Karate exams(practical) are conducted for the students of std I to V once in a year. After clearing the exam, students receive the belt and certificate.

Std.I - Yellow​ belt, Std. II- Orange belt, Std. III - Green belt, Std. IV - Blue belt, Std. V - and above depends upon the performance.


Digi Class - In today's world e- teaching is considered as one of the most important & essential method of teaching. keeping this in mind DIGI BOARDS (consisting of projector, mimio tools & speakers) are installed in the class rooms, which makes the teaching & learning process fun and interesting. The teachers' log on to the knowledge centre/resource centre & enrich themselves to enhance their teaching in the classrooms. Each teacher & student is given a personal login ID & password through which they can access the DIGI class content & utilize the benefits provided online.  Internet facility is required to access the online DIGI class content.

Computer Lab - Has a  well maintained lab with LCD monitors. Students right from the lower class are taught how to operate the computers.  

Out field activities - Various outfield activities are arranged during the academic year, such as visit to Milk Dairy, Biscuit Factory, Blind School, Manovikas Kendra etc. The out field activities are chosen where in educative first hand information is obtained by the students. Children are taken on one day excursion every year.

 Motor & Intellectual Development & Creative Activities - To develop motor & intellectual skills among the children, activities such as building blocks, solving puzzles, threading & sequencing of beads, clay moulding, scribbling with chalk & crayons, kitchen play separation of mixed grains, craft work,

finger & hand paining etc are organized. 

Abacus - Abacus is being taught for the students right from I -IV one level per year. 

Std I - 1st level, std II - 2nd level, std III - 3rd level, std IV - 4th level. In order to motivate and create interest in Abacus among the students, Abacus competitions are conducted every month and attractive prizes are given to winners. Examinations are conducted at the completion of each level and the students are awarded with certificates. Inter School Abacus competition are also conducted. 


With swimming we have introduced badminton & Table Tennis also this year. Badminton is a great racket sport that offers a tremendous amount of benefits for participants. Whether it’s in singles or doubles, badminton is a fun and exciting sport to pick up if you’re looking for an activity that boosts your physical, mental and social aspects of health. Between the running, lunging, diving and ball hitting, playing badminton burns fat at approximately 450 calories per hour. This kind of cardiovascular workout can help keep you in tip top shape, especially if you’re looking for a good alternative cross-training exercise. The fast-paced nature of the game increases your speed and improves your reflexes. Intelligence is also a factor since players must know how to deceive their opponents in every shot.
Increased muscle tone: Playing badminton builds and tones the quads, glutes, calves and hamstrings. In addition, your core muscles, arm and back muscles get a workout as well. Psychological benefits: Because badminton promotes physical fitness, it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. 

Skating - Skates are provided to all the students. There is a trained instructor to coach the students right from UKG. Interschool competitions are conducted. 


​​​Yoga -Yoga is about creating balance and health in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. This is done through the performance of Asanas & mudras, of which has specific physical benefits.